We create early childhood education curricula and training for home visiting programs who support families.
Great Kids, Inc.
Great Kids is an international leader in early childhood development. With over three decades of experience in results-driven program implementation and management, we offer evidence-based curricula and tailored training to support successful program outcomes. Our goal is to help strengthen families and assure optimal child development.
Our mission is to create and deliver quality products and services that shape a world where all parents and caregivers become competent in their ability to nurture children in their early childhoods today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.
In partnership with program staff and their work with parents and caregivers, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of children feel safe and secure, loved and valued, curious and capable.
What’s New?
Growing Great Kids PRENATAL is updated to the Next Generation!
Support secure attachment relationships right from the start with our GGK Next Generation Prenatal curriculum! It includes research-based conversations, fun activities, and practical parenting skills. Preorder yours NOW and be the first to experience the enhanced curriculum!
Recovery Month SALE
To support National Recovery Month, we’re having a SALE! Get Hope at Home for only $200 during the month of September!
With Hope at Home, you’ll help parents be fully present in their children’s lives and make the lasting change they long for.
Growing Great Families Available in SPANISH
Growing Great Families Next Generation will be available in SPANISH this Fall! GGF equips you to support families in growing their resilience. Preorder to get on the list and be the first to receive the manual!
To Learn More
In this 30-minute consultation, we will learn more about how you support healthy relationships and successful outcomes for children, families, and your community.
Looking forward to connecting and joining you in the journey of discovery to determine if Great Kids is a fit for you.
What home visitors and parents are saying about Great Kids.
"We have really loved the whole curriculum! We do home visits, and we see these families in their homes, or in our offices interacting with their kids and planning activities that they can do to build their self-esteem and work together and strengthen their family as a whole."
Proven Success
Over 37,000 people have been certified to use our curricula
Evidenced Based Results
Our curricula produces outstanding results evidenced by seven independent evaluations
Competency Building Approach
Develop results-driven programs and build upon staff skills
Alignment with Head Start
Our curricula exceeds all Head Start curriculum requirements
Protective Factors – GGK Constructs
Research informed constructs are embedded in the Protective Factors Framework
Healthy Families America
Our curricula aligns with and builds upon the HFA model approach
Virtual and Onsite Trainings
Flexible options to meet your needs
No Recurring Fees
Affordable pricing designed to meet program goals
Throughout the US and Canada
Join the cadre of organizations helping to ensure successful outcomes.
Connect With Great Kids