Daily Do’s Documentation Tips

Documentation is never really anyone’s favorite topic of conversation, but as we all know, it’s an important part of our work. Home visitors and Supervisors sometimes wonder how to effectively and efficiently connect home visit records with the GGK Daily Do’s. This...

Language is a cognitive super power.

Language development is not only critical to children’s ability to communicate with others, but it also has a huge impact on their ability to communicate in their own head. This is why language development is so closely connected to impulse control. Children learn...

Syncing Thinking

We did not receive any specific questions to answer this week, so we will talk a little bit about a concern that comes up fairly frequently. We all understand the importance of a secure attachment relationship between a child and his or her primary caregiver....

Michelle Talks Protective Shield

During a recent GGK Preschool training, the parent of one four year old commented that her daughter had told her “thank you Mommy…that makes me feel loved.” There’s magic in those words! It’s no accident that E-Parenting makes up the heart of our Daily Do Dude. This...